Category: Strategy

New Blind Structure

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Power Up’s structure has gone through a few changes in the past few days, it appears with the aim of making the game faster to play. The blinds have been changed as many players, including myself, have commented that Power Up was a very slow game to play. These changes appear to be PokerStars response […]

Is Discretion the Better part of Valour?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
If you believe the classic saying, discretion is the better part of valour, it seems to be true for power up as well. I’ve been looking at the dynamics in Power Up during the past few days and controlling actions other players can make has become a focus in my play. Rather than just worrying […]

Power Up Starting Hands

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
In poker strategy, starting hands are the first step in developing a playing style. In power up, we have 2 sets of cards to look at, our hole cards and our power cards. The range of starting cards we should be willing to play is dynamic, and very situational. When I’m playing poker, whether it […]

Protecting Your Hand

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
In poker, there is a lot of strategy surrounding protecting your hand. In Power Up, players are still trying to develop strategies to do this. Protecting your hand can be a very powerful way to win more games, and in the article, I’ll have a look at how we can use power cards to do […]

Digging into the Meta

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
As I promised last time, this article is going to be about starting to dig into the meta of Power Up. I’m still new to the game, and while I’m no longer up to date with the cutting edge of the Poker meta, I think my skills are up to the task to look at […]

Building a Power Up Toolkit

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
20 games in, and I think I’m starting to see the light. Towards the end of my session to get that “magic” number of games under my belt, I was starting to read my opponents. Ok, “read” may be taking it a little far, but I made some calls, some folds and I even used […]

Our Editor in Chief decides to “Get Gud!”

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
Now that I’ve had a chance to play Power Up, and gave my opinions on the current state of the game in the last video, it’s time for me to get gud! I’ve taken poker seriously in the past, and have put some fairly sizeable chunks of cash into my accounts over the years from […]

Our New Editor, Rob King, Gets to Grips with Power Up

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
Now I’ve taken over the reigns here at Play Power Up, I thought it was time I had a more serious look at the game that’s going to be so influential in my work life. I’ve been playing poker for over 20 years, since my Dad introduced me to 7 card stud back when I […]

Heads-Up Adjustments

  • by cmuray
  • 7 Years ago
Heads-Up Adjustments   You’ve made it past the first Hurdle, whether it was via winning an exciting hand of PowerUp and coming in with a 2X (or 1.5X or 3X) stack – or whether it was through the lower variance route of sitting and staring at your monitor for 6 minutes while your two opponents […]

Gauging 3-betting vs. all-in spots

  • by cmuray
  • 7 Years ago
The rules of PowerUp create some weird situations for sure. Here we are going to zero in on the almost counter-intuitive effects the inclusion of these extra cards – and their use restrictions – have on 3-betting versus all-in ranges in 10-20 big blind stacks in these SNGs.   3-Betting:   First of all – […]
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