Category: Featured

New Short Film Expands Power Up Universe

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
The world surrounding Power Up has just got a big injection of new content. PokerStars recently updated their Power Up webpages, and it includes a new promotional video that gives us a much bigger view into the universe that Power Up exists in. The video itself, as you’d expect from PokerStars, is very professional, slick, […]

Having the Energy to Win

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Energy, it’s more than the thing that keeps your lights on, it also lets you play powers in Power Up. One of the resources in Power Up is our energy pool, which ranges from empty to a full 15 points, and it is more difficult to manage this resource than it might first appear. In […]

Power Up’s Story of the Future?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
In a throwback to one of my first articles for, today I’m going to discuss if there is a place for a story in a card game like Power Up. “A story? This is a card game, not Final Fantasy!” I hear some of you cry. Very true, but as games like Overwatch have […]

Power Up on Twitch?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
With our own Arlie Shaban streaming Power Up on Twitch this week, I thought I’d have a look at the Twitch landscape and peek into my crystal ball to guess at the future. Power Up is currently still a very small fish in the Twitch ocean, with games like Counter Strike, Hearthstone, Dota 2 and […]

Arlie Streams Power Up for the 1st time

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
This weeks saw a big moment for, our Brand Ambassador Arlie Shaban played some Power Up on stream for the first time. Rather than going away and getting to grips with the game away from the public eye, Arlie has come to the game with limited exposure to Power Up. He spent his first […]

Is Discretion the Better part of Valour?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
If you believe the classic saying, discretion is the better part of valour, it seems to be true for power up as well. I’ve been looking at the dynamics in Power Up during the past few days and controlling actions other players can make has become a focus in my play. Rather than just worrying […]

Time to Power Up your Tablet?

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
In a move that opens up Power Up to even more new players, PokerStars have released Power Up for their tablet client. This is great news for Power Up. Tablet users are much more likely to be in the target demographics for the game. Hearthstone has a massive tablet/phone userbase, and anecdotal evidence suggests that […]

Arlie Shaban Joins

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
Today, we are very happy to announce that the new Brand Ambassador for is Professional Poker Player and twitch Streamer, Arlie Shaban. Arlie is a former Canadian Big Brother housemate, and has dedicated himself to improving his poker game since he went full time 8 months ago. In the video above, Arlie gives an […]

Power Up Appearing in PokerStars Promotion

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
All has been quiet from PokerStars about Power Up in recent weeks. This week, however, we’ve seen Power Up artwork appear all over a PokerStars promotion. If you are hoping for a fantastic promotion around playing Power Up, I have some bad news for you. It doesn’t involve playing Power Up. The “Collectables” promotion may […]

Protecting Your Hand

  • by Rob King
  • 7 Years ago
In poker, there is a lot of strategy surrounding protecting your hand. In Power Up, players are still trying to develop strategies to do this. Protecting your hand can be a very powerful way to win more games, and in the article, I’ll have a look at how we can use power cards to do […]
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