Arlie Shaban Joins

Today, we are very happy to announce that the new Brand Ambassador for is Professional Poker Player and twitch Streamer, Arlie Shaban. Arlie is a former Canadian Big Brother housemate, and has dedicated himself to improving his poker game since he went full time 8 months ago.

In the video above, Arlie gives an insight to who he is, what his motivations are, and how he feel about Power Up. As a poker player and gamer, Arlie is in the perfect position to join us at the forefront of developing Power Up strategies and content. He will be playing the game on his stream, and working with us to develop new strategy videos on the site. You can join his stream by following the link here, or by searching on the Twitch homepage for his name.

We’ll let you know when he will be streaming Power Up, and we have lots of big plans for new content already in the pipeline.

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