Category: News

PokerStars Stars Power Up Push

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
It seems that the marketing gurus at PokerStars have opened the company coffers to give Power Up a push. This weekend, my fiancé gave me nudge in the ribs while I was trying to sleep. Normally this wouldn’t be newsworthy, except for the reason why she did it. For once, it wasn’t my fault. She […]

Power Up Community Building

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Power Up is a new game, and the community is still growing. Part of building a community is getting its members to communicate with each other. With Power Up, there are some limitations on getting players talking to each other, because we don’t have a chat-box at the tables. The reasons for not having a […]

Free Taster for Power Up!

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Want to introduce someone to Power Up for Free, or ever fancied trying Power Up but didn’t want to part with the cash? Good News, PokerStars are offering new UK signups to the site a chance to play Power Up for free, and you get to keep your winnings! Those who play Hearthstone, Gwent and […]

New Short Film Expands Power Up Universe

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
The world surrounding Power Up has just got a big injection of new content. PokerStars recently updated their Power Up webpages, and it includes a new promotional video that gives us a much bigger view into the universe that Power Up exists in. The video itself, as you’d expect from PokerStars, is very professional, slick, […]

Having the Energy to Win

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Energy, it’s more than the thing that keeps your lights on, it also lets you play powers in Power Up. One of the resources in Power Up is our energy pool, which ranges from empty to a full 15 points, and it is more difficult to manage this resource than it might first appear. In […]

New Power Up Games Available

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
As we have been expecting for some time, the game offerings for Power Up have been expanded. We have been waiting for the higher-level games to appear on the PokerStars client as there has been a big desire in the Power up community for them. What I am a little surprised to see are the […]

Reddit does Power Up

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Last week, I put up a few questions around Reddit asking for people’s thoughts on Power Up. Apart from the usual internet troll behaviour, I got some interesting thoughts and comments on the game, and it’s potential. I asked for people’s opinions in /r/Poker, a Magic: The Gathering Forum and a Hearthstone forum. My Hearthstone […]

New Blind Structure

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
Power Up’s structure has gone through a few changes in the past few days, it appears with the aim of making the game faster to play. The blinds have been changed as many players, including myself, have commented that Power Up was a very slow game to play. These changes appear to be PokerStars response […]

Power Up’s Story of the Future?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
In a throwback to one of my first articles for, today I’m going to discuss if there is a place for a story in a card game like Power Up. “A story? This is a card game, not Final Fantasy!” I hear some of you cry. Very true, but as games like Overwatch have […]

Power Up on Twitch?

  • by Rob King
  • 6 Years ago
With our own Arlie Shaban streaming Power Up on Twitch this week, I thought I’d have a look at the Twitch landscape and peek into my crystal ball to guess at the future. Power Up is currently still a very small fish in the Twitch ocean, with games like Counter Strike, Hearthstone, Dota 2 and […]
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