Happy Holidays!

As this article is being published, I am hopefully surrounded by family and screaming children, all enjoying the wonder that is Christmas. It feels a bit like a cheat to write this several days before the actual celebration, but my Fiancée would kill me if I worked through the holidays (not that I haven’t done it before).

What this article is giving me a chance to do, along with wishing our readers all the best for their particular brand of winter celebration, is to look forward to the upcoming New Year. 2018 is very exciting for me. I’ve just started here at PlayPowerUp.com, and I hope I’ve hit the ground running. I have so many ideas running around my head for future content that I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to making them more than the gifts I’m going find under the tree!

We are looking to launch some content on Twitch, with more YouTube content to partner it. We’ll be continuing with written articles, but most of our content is going to be available in video format as well. In this day and age, we know it’s hard to find the time to read an article. Videos are just more accessible for most people. However, for those of you who prefer to read, most of the video content will still be available as written articles.

Basically, everything we planning to do in 2018 is aimed at making you, our readers, better Power Up players, entertaining you and preferably putting big smiles on everyone’s faces.

Not that we’ll be avoiding controversy. Power Up has been on a rocky road since it’s launch, with parts of the poker community not buying in to the new game. As a long-term poker player, I can see their concerns, and share more than a few of them myself. However, as someone who has been working in the poker industry for more than 6 years, I also see the massive potential of combining poker with a video game format.

Changes in the marketplace have returned poker to more of a niche game, where back in 2003 it was the flavour of the month. The way the game has been treated by members of the media and regulatory bodies is part of it, but the poker industry has been slow to react to changes in the player demographic and marketing best practices. In the past year, parts of the industry have been trying new things, with varying levels of success, but 2018 looks like it’s going to be a year full of change for the poker industry.

Power Up certainly qualifies as part of that. PokerStars seems to put a large amount of resources into developing the game, and while I don’t think it’s perfect, I do think it’s a step in the right direction. We’ll have a very close eye on how it develops over the coming months, and PlayPowerup.com will be at the forefront of bringing you the latest information, news, and strategy on this new poker based game.

We hope you join our community over the coming months, and we all wish you a “Happy Holidays, and a great upcoming 2018.”

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